The catchy phrase "only one click away" might not facilitate things as well as the scientific truth that "the shortest way between two points is a straight line" might not help when we are planning our routes.
It came to my mind because all my documents are in a file and I just have to open the window where it is and click at the file to get my pictures, texts and everything.
I didn't do it yet and I don't feel like doing.
One of the reasons is that this road looks so long! Please don't laugh at me because I'm sure you gave up doing a search because you didn't want to open another window to your favorite search engineer... because it was too far.
I believe that we have a kind of distance measurement, a kind of space relation when we are using computers but I still don't know how to express it or if it's only me who feels it
- any input would be highly appreciated.
What I know is that when I'm planning my routes, walking since I don't drive, to go somewhere the shortest distance is only important when I'm in a hurry.
Other factors are more important to consider such as a nice and not crowded street, a place I like that is on the way, nice people I might know and many others that gives me pleasure.
There is a street I don't like to cross next to my house and I discovered that it is because three of the buildings are huge and as I walk I feel it will take years to reach the end. I'm sure if there were regular buildings and commerce I would not avoid this street.
Doe it make any sense to you?
Ok, I will open the file, tomorrow, or, on Monday.