Thursday, October 13

Breaking news: Dogs fight for their internet rights

By Ana
Rio de Janeiro, Thu, October 13
Inspired by the Egypt revolution, but with no connection to any US government organization, dogs from all over the world started blogging to fight for their internet rights.
The mastermind of the movement is a a setter whose owner is out of town.
At their agenda is the end of Dogbook for "this is only a way our owners found to gossip about us" said Golden, based in US, in an interview.
Top priority of the agenda are dog's pictures spread all over the internet.
Billy, from Australia, in an exclusive interview, said:
"We are tired of being portrayed in baskets as defenseless beings just to please humans. We don't want to be seen as cute animals to make human beings happy. No more ribbons in our heads or pictures showing us doing human activities. We have our dignity and it is about time to let us be what we really are."
A blogger that doesn't want to reveal his identity said that a protest that will be taken place at The Barking Square is being organized.
(Editing by Sue Wellington)