Tuesday, June 25

Assange is free

 Click the video to watch Assange entering the plane going to Australia.

He was put in jail for exposing war crimes among other "misdeeds".

 "Collateral Murder" published by Wikileaks showing human rights crimes in Iraq.

Monday, June 27

Breaking: Assange Put on Suicide Watch After Patel Decision, Father Says

Assange Put on Suicide Watch After Patel Decision, Father Says

27 June 2022 By Joe Lauria

After British Home Secretary Priti Patel signed Julian Assange’s extradition order on Friday the authorities in Belmarsh prison stripped Julian Assange and threw him into a completely empty cell in an attempt to prevent his suicide, Assange’s father has said. 

It was just one more instance in which the prison humiliated his son, Shipton told a rally on Tuesday night at the offices of the junge Welt newspaper in Berlin. About 300 people attended, with an overflow crowd watching on close circuit TV in the courtyard.

“The ceaseless malice that has descended upon Julian,  a deluge of malice, the strip-searching of Julian … this is the latest humiliation,” Shipton said. “The staff of the jail, their concern after hearing he has to be extradited to the United States, thought he may commit suicide. Their solution was to strip him naked, and put him in a bare cell.”

Testimony was heard from expert defense witnesses during Assange’s extradition hearing that he might try to end his life in prison once he learned he was going to the United States.

It is not the end of the road for Assange legally, however. His lawyers have until July 1 to file for an appeal of Patel’s decision to the High Court. They also intend to apply for a cross appeal of issues such as the political nature of the charges, the threat to free speech and the reported C.I.A. plot to kidnap or kill Assange before his arrest.

Shipton and Gabriel Shipton, Assange’s brother, are in Berlin to lobby the German government to put pressure on the United States to drop the case against Assange.

On Monday, the Shiptons met with Tobias Lindner, the minister of state, at the German foreign ministry.

“It was a practical and appropriate step for Tobias to take, to welcome Julian Assange’s father and bother into the foreign ministry,” John Shipton said. “The invitation in itself and the meeting in the foreign ministry indicates that the German government is sincere in bringing about the freedom of Julian Assange.”

But Shipton said he would like to hear a public statement from Germany in support of his son. “We’d like Tobias to confirm what he’s said.”

A German government spokesman on Monday said however that Germany was unlikely to intervene with either the U.K. or the U.S. “This is a legal process that is already in motion, so I would be a little wary of political intervention,” he said, the French Press Agency (AFP) reported.

Source: GlobalResearch

Monday, May 30

One of the reasons I stopped posting on this platform: Where is the truth?


Google, for our protection, safety and, sure, with our best interested at heart, has deleted YouTube videos, entire channels, the search engineer was also altered... in short: there is only one truth.

I have no idea of Eric Blair's, aka George Orwell, opinion about it all; "I told you so!"; "I didn't write a manual."; "Wow, where is the Ministry of Truth? are some possibilities. I'll try a psychic to contact him.

Why am I writing this post? No idea whatsoever for nobody will read it. Just observing and caring on.

 The image shows the post of the video's disappearance and there are loads of videos on this blog alone that was deleted.

The content of the censured video is available - transcription - on Dr David Healy's site and the entire video on Rumble and this site.

Strangely enough a post I did on  a YouTube's video of David Healy's channel was deleted. I wrote about it here.


Thursday, December 30

Romanian Revolution was televised

Studio 4 went on air at 12:51 pm. Actor Ion Caramitru and poet Mircea Dinescu were the first to speak. "Brothers, by the grace of God (making the sign of the cross), we are now in the television studios", Ion Caramitru said first.

He thanked the army, the students, the people around him and the other "thousands and thousands of Romanians and other nationalities who have led us".

"We must have patience. We have waited for 25 years, we can wait a few more minutes. The People have won!" (Mircea Dinescu)
Nicolae Ceaușescu during trial.

Tuesday, December 28

Fairy Soap racist ads


Fairy Soap

N.K. Fairbank Co. was founded in 1875 and produced Fairy Soap. The ad that presumably ran in the 1940s shows a little white girl asking a Black child why her mother won’t wash her with Fairy Soap, insinuating she is Black from dirt.*

*Fairy Soap was originally created by N.K. Fairbank, before Procter & Gamble buys it.

Source "Atlanta Black Star".

Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas: Santa strikes again


Ten years ago I did a post about Norad tracking Santa

He was on Washington DC some minutes ago. 

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and that this year we all can find some common sense.

Someone from Virginia was visiting this blog while I was editing this post. Merry Christmas my friend!

Thursday, December 16

Michel Foucault and Jean Paul Sartre during protests


French philosophers Michel Foucault and Jean-Paul Sartre during a protest in tribute to Pierre Overney, a Maoist worker killed during a strike at a Renault automobile factory. (Getty Image)

Saturday, December 11

[BREAKING] UK Court Rules Assange to be Extradited to US - The Duran

[BREAKING] UK Court Rules Assange to be Extradited to US + CANZUK leaders are going crazy

We failed. We failed. We failed

Friday, December 10

Oscar "De Profundis"


Oscar Wilde in New York in January 1882. (DeAgostini/Getty Images)

De Profundis by Oscar Wilde 

Thursday, December 9

"Where Misinformation Comes From" by Doctor David Healy - Fluvoxamine for Covid?

"Drug regulators and food regulators are not part of the public health apparatus as such. Their job is to regulate the wording of adverts, nothing else, nothing more." (emphasys mine)

"A lot of good doctors report problems on the vaccine, death of the vaccine or the drugs to the regulator and encourage their colleagues to do so but it is like pouring water into sand because what the regulator does, the very first thing they do is to remove the names of any doctors or patients transforming the report into hearsay and transforming it into misinformation." (emphasys mine)

"The regulator is a bureaucrat. Their job is not to work out has a drug caused a problem or not."

"We now have a pandemic of over treatment."

A man burned himself during a clinical trial but he died five days after. It was not counted as a suicide. He officially died because of "burns".

I did a post "Antidepressant SSRI Luvox - Columbine drug - is being prescribed as a Covid prophylactic drug?" on October, 19 because it was alarming to me that Fluvoxamine, Luvox was being considered to be used as a Covid-19 drug.
I confess I didn't read any article for it is so absurd to me that I didn't find the strength to research.
It is simply unexplanaible to me why an antidepressant is about to be added to the Covid cocktail.

Anything related to psychiatric drugs, their use off label, clinical trials triggers a lot of anger and sadness in me.*

Today I came across with this great explanation, another among a life dedication to protect patients, Dr David Healy published on his Youtube channel.

I forgot that usually Professor Healy publishes these explanations on his site.
You can research on his site not only this but a vast amount of good information about a drug you must be taking or considering taking.
Inform yourself for it is your health that is at stake and only you will suffer the consequences on you body, mind and soul.
Take care of yourself.

Wednesday, December 8

Virtual tour of 10 Downing Street in Google Street View - Google Street View


The tour was made available in 2016 when Theresa May was the PM.
Nothing special and watching pictures of the building has the same result.
"The property was part of a building project by diplomat George Downing who built it on the site of Hampden House, which was destroyed in the late 18th century.  The site was also once host to the Axe brewery.  In 1682, Downing employed Sir Christopher Wren to design houses, but as they were built on marshland and cheaply made, they have been in an almost constant state of repair since their construction." Jasmeet Barker in the article "The Dawn of 10 Downing Street".

Tuesday, December 7

Signifier and Signified explained

Two sources explaining "signifier and signified" among many on the WWW.

Daniel Chandler

"Nowadays, whilst the basic 'Saussurean' model is commonly adopted, it tends to be a more materialistic model than that of Saussure himself. The signifier is now commonly interpreted as the material (or physical) form of the sign - it is something which can be seen, heard, touched, smelt or tasted. For Saussure, both the signifier and the signified were purely 'psychological' (Saussure 1983, 12, 14-15, 66; Saussure 1974, 12, 15, 65-66). Both were form rather than substance:

A linguistic sign is not a link between a thing and a name, but between a concept and a sound pattern. The sound pattern is not actually a sound; for a sound is something physical. A sound pattern is the hearer's psychological impression of a sound, as given to him by the evidence of his senses. This sound pattern may be called a 'material' element only in that it is the representation of our sensory impressions. The sound pattern may thus be distinguished from the other element associated with it in a linguistic sign. This other element is generally of a more abstract kind: the concept. (Saussure 1983, 66; Saussure 1974, 66)

Saussure was focusing on the linguistic sign (such as a word) and he 'phonocentrically' privileged the spoken word, referring specifically to the image acoustique ('sound-image' or 'sound pattern'), seeing writing as a separate, secondary, dependent but comparable sign system (Saussure 1983, 15, 24-25, 117; Saussure 1974, 15, 16, 23-24, 119). Within the ('separate') system of written signs, a signifier such as the written letter 't' signified a sound in the primary sign system of language (and thus a written word would also signify a sound rather than a concept). Thus for Saussure, writing relates to speech as signifier to signified. Most subsequent theorists who have adopted Saussure's model are content to refer to the form of linguistic signs as either spoken or written. We will return later to the issue of the post-Saussurean 'rematerialization' of the sign.

As for the signified, most commentators who adopt Saussure's model still treat this as a mental construct, although they often note that it may nevertheless refer indirectly to things in the world. Saussure's original model of the sign 'brackets the referent': excluding reference to objects existing in the world. His signified is not to be identified directly with a referent but is a concept in the mind - not a thing but the notion of a thing. Some people may wonder why Saussure's model of the sign refers only to a concept and not to a thing. An observation from the philosopher Susanne Langer (who was not referring to Saussure's theories) may be useful here. Note that like most contemporary commentators, Langer uses the term 'symbol' to refer to the linguistic sign (a term which Saussure himself avoided): 'Symbols are not proxy for their objects but are vehicles for the conception of objects... In talking about things we have conceptions of them, not the things themselves; and it is the conceptions, not the things, that symbols directly mean. Behaviour towards conceptions is what words normally evoke; this is the typical process of thinking'. She adds that 'If I say "Napoleon", you do not bow to the conqueror of Europe as though I had introduced him, but merely think of him' (Langer 1951, 61)."
Click the image (René Magritte’s The Treachery of Images) for another explanation. 

Monday, December 6

It's Xmas again: Suicide during the season and MERRY CHRISTMAS


It's that time of the year where family relationships are at the center of our emotional response to the festivities who are more about Noel than Christ's birth.
I was once told by a psychiatrist that this is the season when the rate of people seeking for help increases. 

Our Suicide Helpline in Brazil claims that it is true that they receive more calls during Christmas. Not necessarily on December, 25 or 24 but during the season or January. 
Preparations for Christmas has started to be done earlier and earlier and the phenomenon "Christmas Creep"* is an evidence of this fact.
Strangely enough in English there are numerous articles claiming that it is not true. Christmas death rate increase is nothing but a myth.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and also some compassion to those who don't have a supportive family.
Take care. Make cookies for Santa. You'll be the one who will eat them anyway,

*Christmas creep is a merchandising phenomenon in which merchants and retailers introduce Christmas-themed merchandise or decorations before the traditional start of the holiday shopping season, which in the United States is on the day after Thanksgiving.[1] The term was first used in the mid-1980s.

Search for help in case you are suicidal. Helpline in US.

Wednesday, December 1

Petra the unbelievable carved buildings

 Inhabited since prehistoric times, this Nabataean caravan-city, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, was an important crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. It is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites, where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture.

Outstanding Universal Value
Brief synthesis

Situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea and inhabited since prehistoric times, the rock-cut capital city of the Nabateans, became during Hellenistic and Roman times a major caravan centre for the incense of Arabia, the silks of China and the spices of India, a crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. An ingenious water management system allowed extensive settlement of an essentially arid area during the Nabataean, Roman and Byzantine periods. It is one of the world's richest and largest archaeological sites set in a dominating red sandstone landscape. 

The Outstanding Universal Value of Petra resides in the vast extent of elaborate tomb and temple architecture; religious high places; the remnant channels, tunnels and diversion dams that combined with a vast network of cisterns and reservoirs which controlled and conserved seasonal rains, and the extensive archaeological remains including of copper mining, temples, churches and other public buildings. The fusion of Hellenistic architectural facades with traditional Nabataean rock-cut temple/tombs including the Khasneh, the Urn Tomb, the Palace Tomb, the Corinthian Tomb and the Deir ("monastery") represents a unique artistic achievement and an outstanding architectural ensemble of the first centuries BC to AD. The varied archaeological remains and architectural monuments from prehistoric times to the medieval periods bear exceptional testimony to the now lost civilisations which succeeded each other at the site.Outstanding Universal Value
Brief synthesis

Situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea and inhabited since prehistoric times, the rock-cut capital city of the Nabateans, became during Hellenistic and Roman times a major caravan centre for the incense of Arabia, the silks of China and the spices of India, a crossroads between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra is half-built, half-carved into the rock, and is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges. An ingenious water management system allowed extensive settlement of an essentially arid area during the Nabataean, Roman and Byzantine periods. It is one of the world's richest and largest archaeological sites set in a dominating red sandstone landscape. 

The Outstanding Universal Value of Petra resides in the vast extent of elaborate tomb and temple architecture; religious high places; the remnant channels, tunnels and diversion dams that combined with a vast network of cisterns and reservoirs which controlled and conserved seasonal rains, and the extensive archaeological remains including of copper mining, temples, churches and other public buildings. The fusion of Hellenistic architectural facades with traditional Nabataean rock-cut temple/tombs including the Khasneh, the Urn Tomb, the Palace Tomb, the Corinthian Tomb and the Deir ("monastery") represents a unique artistic achievement and an outstanding architectural ensemble of the first centuries BC to AD. The varied archaeological remains and architectural monuments from prehistoric times to the medieval periods bear exceptional testimony to the now lost civilisations which succeeded each other at the site.

Whole article: UNESCO.

Tuesday, November 30

‘Marighella’ movie's Review

Marighella was a Brazilian politician, a poet and a guerrilla.
Great human being remembered by his resistance as a guerrilla.

In 2018, the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro declared that he wanted “a Brazil similar to the one we had 40, 50 years ago”— referring to the era of the country’s military dictatorship, which saw violent censorship and the torture of dissidents.

This contemporary context underlines the barreling urgency of “Marighella.” Directed by Wagner Moura (the star of Netflix’s “Narcos”), the film chronicles the final years of Carlos Marighella, a Marxist revolutionary who led an armed struggle against the dictatorship in the 1960s. With a rousing, kinetic style reminiscent of “The Battle of Algiers,” and confrontational close-ups of fiery eyes and faces, the film is not merely a historical biopic — it’s a provocation.

And a riveting one, too. Seu Jorge plays the charismatic Marighella, whom we meet as he leads a group of younger radicals in robbing a train carrying weapons. In flashback, we learn that Marighella was expelled from the Communist Party for his uncompromising commitment to guerrilla warfare. “An eye for an eye” is his cell’s motto, invoked throughout the film.

The group struggles to balance itself on the razor’s edge of that phrase. “Marighella” plows stylishly through heists, showdowns and increasingly bloody shootouts, with the sadistic cop Lúcio (Bruno Gagliasso) on the militants’ tail. Yet the script makes room for wit as well as meaty ideological debate, delivered in crisp bullets of dialogue by a uniformly solid cast.

“I’m your comrade,” Marighella’s wife, Clara (Adriana Esteves), says to him. “But don’t make me your accomplice. Don’t ask me for permission to leave here and die.” As the tragedies mount, Moura’s film becomes an elegy — not so much to Marighella as to an idealism consumed by the pyrrhic games of dirty regimes.

Not rated. In Portuguese, with subtitles. Running time: 2 hours 35 minutes. Watch through virtual cinemas.

Variety's review here.

Monday, November 29

To see a world in a grain of sand...


"In my work, I give you color to heal and bless you, images to inspire you and bring you joy, words to assist you in being aware of your innate self-worth, quotes to assist you in staying focused on your goals, and words to say what's in your heart to people you love."

I just found this homage to William Blake's styled illustration to this famous quote made by Raphaela Vaisseau.

Saturday, November 27

Lenin's Body Improves with Age

 Lenin's Body Improves with Age

Russian scientists have developed experimental embalming methods to maintain the look, feel and flexibility of the Soviet Union's founder’s body, which is 145 years old today 

  From an article published on Scientific American under the tag "Health"    By Jeremy Hsu on April 22, 2015


"To maintain the precise condition of Lenin's body, the staff must perform regular maintenance on the corpse and sometimes even replace parts with an excruciating attention to detail. Artificial eyelashes have taken the place of Lenin's original eyelashes, which were damaged during the initial embalming procedures. The lab had to deal with mold and wrinkles on certain parts of Lenin's body, especially in the early years. Researchers developed artificial skin patches when a piece of skin on Lenin's foot went missing in 1945. They resculpted Lenin's nose, face and other parts of the body to restore them to their original feel and appearance. A moldable material made of paraffin, glycerin and carotene has replaced much of the skin fat to maintain the original "landscape" of the skin.

At the height of activity from the 1950s to the 1980s, the lab employed up to 200 people who did research on subjects ranging from the aging of skin cells to skin transplantation methods, Yurchak says. The institute temporarily lost government funding in the 1990s after the fall of the Soviet Union, but survived on private contributions until government money returned at more modest levels."