This is one of he most famous piece of this period of Tim Noble and Sue Webster works. You can find some more of this amazing shadow silhouettes of the two artists here.
One never knows what can imagination do with piles of junk and a light.
"On the right, the same figure was disappearing into pouring water. The concept of balance is presented through opposite concepts that each alone is an extreme that can only be balanced by one of the other extreme. Left - right, fire - water, red - blue, warm - cool, hot - cold, bottom - top, and so on. The viewer can even sense the artist's desire for moderation, for compromise, and the message that the extremes are what harming us (burnt by fire or washed away by water) and we need a common ground to survive."Balance...
"Our ultimate aim is to introduce exciting international writing to the general public — travelers, teachers, students, publishers, and a new generation of eclectic readers — by presenting international literature not as a static, elite phenomenon, but a portal through which to explore the world. In the richness of cultural information we present, we hope to help foster a “globalization” of cultural engagement and exchange, one that allows many voices in many languages to prosper."You can start searching here:
Enter a phrase or keyword below to search our site:These are Sandee's awardees (I have to visit them because I don't know them but since they are passionated they have to be good!)
Lisa of "...All Things Work for Good..." Annie of A Nice Place in the Sun Megan of Amid Clutter Clara of Coming Back to Life! Diane of Good Mourning, Glory Virginia (Storyteller) of Happily Retired Gal , Small Reflections, Sacred Ruminations or Blog Rolls, Bling and Blurbs Ana of Hella Heaven Grace of Hugz Before You Go Rhonda of Led Beside Still Waters Colleen of Short Stories in the MakingI pass this award on to this amazing friends and bloggers:
Anonynous Drifter at Disjointed Thoughts Catatonic Kid at Catatonic Kid Cheryl at Wishing and Discovering Katharine at kath.A.rine Kim at Invincible Summers Marian at Different Thoughts Matthew at It's quite an experience Naturalgal at Naturalgal's Weblog Stephany at Soulful Sepulcher Susan at If you're going thought hell keep goingParticipation is not mandatory, so don't feel that you have to play along.