Dilma Rousseff reelected.
I'm too emotional to say anything.
I'll do it later.
Democracy, Brazilian sovereignty and Latin America wins with her.
Sunday, October 26
Thursday, October 23
Brazilian Presidential Elections 2014: Brazil under CIA Pressure by Nil Nikandrov
Brazil under CIA Pressure
Nil NIKANDROV 21.10.2014 00:00
Strategic Culture Foundation
Over two thousand Brazilian political activists, intellectuals, people of art and culture signed a manifest on October 26 highlighting the hostile actions of Washington aimed at prevention of Dilma Rousseff election victory. The document is posted to social nets. It says the coming to power of Aécio Neves of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira - PSDB), who serves the interests of tycoons, will inflict irreparable damage to the country and take away all the snags on the way of US direct interference into the Brazilian internal affairs. Neves is to play the role of obedient tool in the hands of US administration. Washington goes to any length to achieve its goal and bring the desired candidate to power – some things are done covertly, some tricks are resorted to in a clandestine way.
All CIA information and propaganda resources are used to support Neves. Around 80 million Brazilians have access to Internet, 150 million are cell phone users. The US special services have perfect command of destabilization techniques. The recent protests and social unrest in Brazil threatened the World Cup proving that the forces are ready to react as the «color revolution» scenario to be implemented at any time.
The activities of non-government organizations are not restricted in any way; their members have close ties with US embassy and consulate staff, as well as ISAID workers. The human intelligence is used to discredit the policy of the Dilma Rousseff government. The lies about its ineffectiveness are spread around by all available means. «Experts» forecast collapse in case the President wins another term. They disseminate dubious results of «rating polls» that complicate the vision of reality.
Propaganda publications devoted to forecasts often use the term «technical draw» which provides many opportunities for CIA to manipulate, falsify and juggle with facts as a way to bolster the chances of the presidential hopeful the US wants to win the race. Some years ago the same thing took place in Mexico. Enrique Peña Nieto, the US-supported candidate ran against Lopez Obrador, a populist and a supporter of Hugo Chavez. The manipulations and rigging to make Peña win were widespread, many Mexicans still doubt his victory, but Washington said the election was transparent and honest.
Rubens Antônio Barbosa, the senior adviser of Aécio Neves on international affairs and a candidate for the position of Minister of Foreign affairs. The Rousseff supporters believe him to be the leading CIA’s agent of influence. He has been US ambassador to London. Now he heads the Superior Council of Foreign Trade of Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo. In accordance with his pro-US orientation, he calls for «depoliticization of foreign policy» and the «reconsideration of US strategic priorities in relation to the United States and China».
After the spying scandal, when the fact of taping the phone of Dilma Rousseff, members of cabinet, military leadership and top leaders of special services by the CIA surfaced, followed by the refusal by President Obama to apologize, Brazil strengthened the relationship with China – the leading trade partner since the tenure of former President Lula da Silva. Now Barbosa says that in case Neves wins the United States will occupy a proper (meaning predominant) place in the Brazil’s foreign policy priorities.
There is a phrase said by Barbosa which provides a clue to what the would-be foreign policy of Brazil will be like. He said that the protection of national interests will no more be that passive. Bolivia has expropriated two oil refineries of Petrobraz and the government has done nothing to protect the interests of Brazil. Neves and Barbosa promise to provide access to US oil companies to oil extraction in the Brazilian continental shelf. The Neves staff says the policy will be «more pragmatic» and completely devoid of ideological approach typical for the Workers’ Party. The stand on such issues as relationship with Mercosur (the Southern Common Market, a sub-regional bloc), BRICS and other international groups will be corrected.
Washington has gone through thorough preparation for the election race in Brazil; it is at the final stage now. The US State Department and special services have sent to the country dozens of seasoned operatives with rich experience of being involved in similar operations conducted across the world. For instance, Liliana Ayalde, the current US ambassador to Brazil, has done good job in Paraguay doing her best to contain the spread of «populist ideology». Brazil is next. There leading actors involved in the conspiracy against Dilma are the officers of the US embassy and consulate in Brazil: Alexis Ludwig (political counsellor), Paloma Gonsalez (political economic section officer), Samantha Carl-Yoder (chief of consular section), Kathryn Hoffman (political officer, the US Consulate General in São Paulo), and Amy Radetsky (political and economic chief, U.S. Consulate Rio de Janeiro).
It’s enough to look at the Radetsky’s career record to understand that Washington has prepared for a «non-standard situation in Brazil. In the State Department she has been responsible for monitoring the events in Brazil to see how they affect the bilateral relations and working out the policy towards this country. She was the one to see all the messages going out of the US embassy in the Brazilian capital. A bit later she headed a special State Department team monitoring the emergence and development of crisis situations in the region and preparing situation reports for State Secretary John Kerry. Now she was urgently sent to Rio! What crisis situation makes Radetsky go to Brazil?
Political scholar for Venezuela Eleazar Díaz Rangel calls a possible defeat of Dilma a «disaster». The governments of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff have made life better for dozens of millions in Brazil who had not even had electricity before. The Workers Party has initiated drastic positive changes on the South American continent. According to Rangel, the Obama administration has mobilized all the opposition forces in Brazil and other Latin America countries, all the potential of media and information agencies to prevent the re-election of Dilma. There are funds allocated for providing support to Neves in the presidential race. Influential US financial and economic circles are involved to help Neves win.
Will Brazilians mobilize themselves and avoid the disaster predicted by Eleazar Díaz Rangel? We’ll know in a week.
Nil NIKANDROV 21.10.2014 00:00
Strategic Culture Foundation
Over two thousand Brazilian political activists, intellectuals, people of art and culture signed a manifest on October 26 highlighting the hostile actions of Washington aimed at prevention of Dilma Rousseff election victory. The document is posted to social nets. It says the coming to power of Aécio Neves of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party (Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira - PSDB), who serves the interests of tycoons, will inflict irreparable damage to the country and take away all the snags on the way of US direct interference into the Brazilian internal affairs. Neves is to play the role of obedient tool in the hands of US administration. Washington goes to any length to achieve its goal and bring the desired candidate to power – some things are done covertly, some tricks are resorted to in a clandestine way.
All CIA information and propaganda resources are used to support Neves. Around 80 million Brazilians have access to Internet, 150 million are cell phone users. The US special services have perfect command of destabilization techniques. The recent protests and social unrest in Brazil threatened the World Cup proving that the forces are ready to react as the «color revolution» scenario to be implemented at any time.
The activities of non-government organizations are not restricted in any way; their members have close ties with US embassy and consulate staff, as well as ISAID workers. The human intelligence is used to discredit the policy of the Dilma Rousseff government. The lies about its ineffectiveness are spread around by all available means. «Experts» forecast collapse in case the President wins another term. They disseminate dubious results of «rating polls» that complicate the vision of reality.
Propaganda publications devoted to forecasts often use the term «technical draw» which provides many opportunities for CIA to manipulate, falsify and juggle with facts as a way to bolster the chances of the presidential hopeful the US wants to win the race. Some years ago the same thing took place in Mexico. Enrique Peña Nieto, the US-supported candidate ran against Lopez Obrador, a populist and a supporter of Hugo Chavez. The manipulations and rigging to make Peña win were widespread, many Mexicans still doubt his victory, but Washington said the election was transparent and honest.
Rubens Antônio Barbosa, the senior adviser of Aécio Neves on international affairs and a candidate for the position of Minister of Foreign affairs. The Rousseff supporters believe him to be the leading CIA’s agent of influence. He has been US ambassador to London. Now he heads the Superior Council of Foreign Trade of Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo. In accordance with his pro-US orientation, he calls for «depoliticization of foreign policy» and the «reconsideration of US strategic priorities in relation to the United States and China».
After the spying scandal, when the fact of taping the phone of Dilma Rousseff, members of cabinet, military leadership and top leaders of special services by the CIA surfaced, followed by the refusal by President Obama to apologize, Brazil strengthened the relationship with China – the leading trade partner since the tenure of former President Lula da Silva. Now Barbosa says that in case Neves wins the United States will occupy a proper (meaning predominant) place in the Brazil’s foreign policy priorities.
There is a phrase said by Barbosa which provides a clue to what the would-be foreign policy of Brazil will be like. He said that the protection of national interests will no more be that passive. Bolivia has expropriated two oil refineries of Petrobraz and the government has done nothing to protect the interests of Brazil. Neves and Barbosa promise to provide access to US oil companies to oil extraction in the Brazilian continental shelf. The Neves staff says the policy will be «more pragmatic» and completely devoid of ideological approach typical for the Workers’ Party. The stand on such issues as relationship with Mercosur (the Southern Common Market, a sub-regional bloc), BRICS and other international groups will be corrected.
Washington has gone through thorough preparation for the election race in Brazil; it is at the final stage now. The US State Department and special services have sent to the country dozens of seasoned operatives with rich experience of being involved in similar operations conducted across the world. For instance, Liliana Ayalde, the current US ambassador to Brazil, has done good job in Paraguay doing her best to contain the spread of «populist ideology». Brazil is next. There leading actors involved in the conspiracy against Dilma are the officers of the US embassy and consulate in Brazil: Alexis Ludwig (political counsellor), Paloma Gonsalez (political economic section officer), Samantha Carl-Yoder (chief of consular section), Kathryn Hoffman (political officer, the US Consulate General in São Paulo), and Amy Radetsky (political and economic chief, U.S. Consulate Rio de Janeiro).
It’s enough to look at the Radetsky’s career record to understand that Washington has prepared for a «non-standard situation in Brazil. In the State Department she has been responsible for monitoring the events in Brazil to see how they affect the bilateral relations and working out the policy towards this country. She was the one to see all the messages going out of the US embassy in the Brazilian capital. A bit later she headed a special State Department team monitoring the emergence and development of crisis situations in the region and preparing situation reports for State Secretary John Kerry. Now she was urgently sent to Rio! What crisis situation makes Radetsky go to Brazil?
Political scholar for Venezuela Eleazar Díaz Rangel calls a possible defeat of Dilma a «disaster». The governments of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff have made life better for dozens of millions in Brazil who had not even had electricity before. The Workers Party has initiated drastic positive changes on the South American continent. According to Rangel, the Obama administration has mobilized all the opposition forces in Brazil and other Latin America countries, all the potential of media and information agencies to prevent the re-election of Dilma. There are funds allocated for providing support to Neves in the presidential race. Influential US financial and economic circles are involved to help Neves win.
Will Brazilians mobilize themselves and avoid the disaster predicted by Eleazar Díaz Rangel? We’ll know in a week.
Wednesday, October 22
Lindsay Lohan supporting Brazilian candidate Aécio Neves? Is she addicted to cocaine?

Lindsay Lohan My Presidential Candidate Has a Chopper Filled with Coke!
10/22/2014 12:50 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF
Lindsay Lohan says she has a good reason for supporting a presidential candidate in Brazil ... she says her "Brazilian contacts" like the guy -- a guy whose company owned a chopper filled with tons of coke.
Lindsay tweeted, "I support @aecioNeves, for presidential candidature. His platform brings positive changes in Brazil."
Lindsay took a beating for getting involved in anyone's politics for obvious reasons. But a source connected with LiLo tells TMZ, she's supporting the guy because "she has plenty of contacts there and has several business trips to the country." The source also says she has a "good contact" in Brazil who likes Neves a lot.
Here's what Lindsay's 8.5 million followers need to know. Neves owns a company that owns a helicopter that was seized by the federal police ... seized because it was carrying 4.5 TONS* of cocaine. (emphasis added)
It's unclear if Lindsay supports Neves because he's a good guy or just throws a good party.
Source: TMZ.
*The amount of cocaine is not 4.5 tons: it is 450 kg.
Tuesday, October 21
Sunday, October 19
Brazilian president candidate Aécio Neves tied with drug scandal
This is one of the numerous crimes committed by Aécio Neves the candidate that is supported by Washington and George Soros.
This is another coup that Brazil will suffer in case Aécio Neves is elected. The mainstream media is covering up all his crimes and inventing fictitious data about Dilma Rousself's government.
Update: The video was published in Telesurf where there is an article with more details.
Wednesday, October 15
Edelweiss: "Bless my homeland forever"
I was a child when I watched "The Sound of Music" so I was confused about what was the real threat but it was clear to me that forces beyond people's power were causing a lot of sufferance.
In my homeland we were under dictatorship, I'm Brazilian.
I feel sad when I listen to this song and now because history is about to repeat itself.
This is an election month and fascists forces have a candidate that is being backed by mainstream media, US, George Soros, CIA all of those institutions and corporations that profit at the expenses of the people.
In the movie the song "Edelweiss" is sang by the Captain when they sing in a festival so that they could flee from Austria.
Edelweiss also refers to 'Edelweiss Pirates' a loose protest group against the Nazis, made up of youths that suffered persecution. (history here).
The word "homeland" is for me the right one to express how important it is to our identities the place we were born whether we want it or not. I'm sure I would be different If I was born elsewhere in this planet.
It is is time or troubles, when we fear our homeland is being put in the wrong direction we remember we need to take good care of it always for it is our home land.
Monday, October 13
Evo Morales elected president: "Es el triunfo de la Liberación y el antiimperialismo"

An example to South American countries that has been facing imperialist intervention as Equatorian president alerted:
"El presidente ecuatoriano Rafael denunció este domingo que existen fuerzas que se oponen a la Revolución y que han tenido varios intentos de conspiración incluso dentro de los cuarteles del país suramericano.
“Tratan de armar frentes en los gobiernos locales, eso es lo que buscan las fuerzas que se oponen a la Revolución. Tenemos permanentes intentos de conspiración que incluso han llegado a los cuarteles con pasquines llenos de mentiras. Hay grupos que si pudieran pegarnos un tiro nos matarían”, dijo el mandatario durante una entrevista en la televisión pública ecuatoriana." (read entire article)
Friday, October 10
Brazilian elections 2014: US coup d'état through manipulation and lies

In the right picture George Soros with Armínio Fraga the adviser of the Washington's candidate Aécio Neves.
Next Sunday, 26, Brazilians will vote in the second round of presidential elections.
This country has been suffering intervention since August 2013 when CIA and George Soros's strategists led people to protest all over the big cities creating chaos with the help of black blocs and all their knowledge to destabilize a country.
I'm overwhelmed and extremely sad and feeling humiliated.
For the first time there was a chance to Brazil to choose it's way but Washington's intervention is not through a military coup like in 1964.
Brazilian mainstream media is helping with all the power it has, the social networks are crowded of people putting citizens from the north of Brazil against those in the south and... I'm sorry... I'm too emotional.
I'll recover but Dilma Rousseff's defeat will represent a problem not only to Brazil but for Latin America.
I'm sorry I can't give more details for the moment. I have to calm down because it is not easy to watch your country on the verge of being put in the hands of other people's interests.
And we didn't had a bloodshed. I cannot imagine the sufferance of those in Iraq, Libya Syria, Gaza...
Whenever I see an American flag it is not the American people that appears in my mind: it is Washington and allies.
The video is Egberto Gismonti's "Clown" that I posted to remember with the laugh of the children that they will be there to fight for Brazilian's sovereignty.
Thursday, October 2
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