Sunday, June 28
Bazille - Studio at Condamine Street

Friday, June 26
Vanessa Redgrave - Tragedy and Comedy
Berthe Morisot and the Manet brothers
Wednesday, June 24
International Justice Center - support of justice and the International Criminal Court

Amazingly enough I've found this group at Second Life and of course there was nobody there by the time I was visiting because people have better things to do in their second lives such as virtual sex, vampiring, exploiting others, shopping, you know, all the activities that gives instant relief from boredom, emotional misery and other issues related to human condition. I have written about it at this post at my other blog.
Protecting animals rights, whether in real life and in virtual life, unites many people which is good but it took me a lot of time to discover International Justice Center and it was searching at Google not at Second Life.
"Welcome to the Global Kids International Justice Center, an online clearinghouse for public information and action in support of the ICC.You can reach them at their site. I know that it's a hard job fighting for humans rights but who, when or where? It' about time to have a jurisprudence for humans right violations and there is too much to be done worldwide not only in Africa.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the world’s first truly global human rights tribunal. The ICC is designed to investigate and try those accused of committing some of the worst violations of human rights, including genocide, mass rape and war crimes.
Headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, the ICC is investigating and trying crimes committed in Sudan, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic.
Global Kids in 2008 will be exploring the use of virtual worlds to support the ICC and global justice concerns. Activities will center around the “International Justice Center,” a virtual education and action clearinghouse where people from all over the world can learn about the court, engage with ICC officials, experts and victims, and take action in support of human rights and international justice. More importantly, the Center will serve as the hub of a new social network connecting those already doing the work on the ground with each other and with individuals new to ICC issues within Second Life."
Courbet - The Painter's Studio

Many artists have painted studios some of them with people. Courbet's studio has his friends at the right, including Baudelaire reading, and critics at the left. It is remarkable that although they are all united at a same place people seems isolated and only Courbet, the model and the boy are having any kind of connection. Click to enlarge.
Tuesday, June 23
Monday, June 22
Locks of Love - hair prosthetics for children
"What is Locks of Love?Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need."
If you want to donate hair you can find all explanations here. Perhaps it's in your mind "Should I cut my hair or not?" I'm glad we can make these questions because some children can't. Bad hair day? Lucky you!
Sunday, June 21
Rowan Atkinson: Teaching Baldrick Mathematics - For Mathew
Mary Cassat meets Vermeer

Father's Day Prayer

Saturday, June 20
Dali - The Persistence of Time and Einstein
Friday, June 19
Mirror's lies
Before seeing yourself at the mirror
Women and Mirrors - Degas, Kirchner and Picasso

Thursday, June 18
Leonardo da Vinci - St. John the Baptist

Wednesday, June 17
Educational Commitment Award

The Haunted Studio of Russel Connor - "My love-affair with the past"

"This painting is a return to my Masters in Pieces series, in which I combine my version of two famous paintings, or details from them, making a new narrative and a new composition. OPEN 24 HRS is an homage to a favorite American painter, Edward Hopper. One of his greatest and most popular paintings is Nighthawks, 1942, in the collection of the Chicago Art Institute. On a darkened street corner we see, through the window of a brightly lit coffee shop, a couple of customers and the counterman, looking like a scene from a film noir. I wondered, if the shop stayed open around the clock, what they might look like in the light of day, Now, across the street, we can make out the red brick buildings from Hopper's Early Sunday Morning, 1930, one of the treasures of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York."
Men more romantic than women?
"Men suffer a bad rap for being less romantic than women. Naturally, if you do a survey of men or women at the mall asking “Who’s more romantic?” the majority will say women. At first glance, the evidence is pretty overwhelming that women are the romantics. Indeed, they are when it comes to saying “I love you,” remembering Valentine’s Day, and knowing “it’s the little things that count” (like an engagement ring). But when it comes to the truly deep and important definition of romance, you men are the big winners.At some point in your life, gentlemen, the woman of your dreams will probably say accusingly (in response to one of your everyday “insensitive” remarks) that “you men are all alike! You’re so unromantic!” My gift to you is the following. Someday it will come in handy, in self-defense. I’ve packaged it neatly in the form of a quiz that you can give her when she calls you unromantic.
Who really is capable of loving more, men or women?
QUESTIONS MEN WOMEN Who falls in love faster? Who is more idealistic about love? Who usually initiates the breakup? Who suffers more from a breakup? Who loves their lovers more? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Who Falls In Love Faster? Men! In one study, seven hundred young lovers were asked, “How early did you realize you were in love?” Men fell in love faster. Before the fourth date, 20 percent of men had taken the tumble, whereas only 15 percent of the women realized Cupid had stung them; 43 percent of the women still didn’t know they were in love by the twentieth date, compared to only 30 percent of the men. Women are more cautious about getting involved.
Who Is More Idealistic About Love? Men! Another study determined that men had a far more idealistic and less practical view of love. Men were not nearly as concerned with a woman’s social position or how much money she made. More men felt that as long as two people truly love each other, they should have no trouble getting along in marriage.
Who Usually Initiates the Breakup? Women! A group of Harvard scientists vigilantly followed the affairs of 231 Boston couples. Of those who split up, usually it was the woman who suggested the separation. The men wanted to stick it out to the bitter end.
Who Suffers More From a Breakup? Men! The men felt lonelier, more depressed, unloved, and least free after a split. The men reported that they found it extremely hard to accept that they were no longer loved and that she had really gone. What disturbed them most was that they felt there was nothing they could do about it. They were plagued with the hope that if only they had said the right thing… done the right thing…. In fact, three times as many men commit suicide after a disastrous love affair as women do.
Who Loves Their Lovers More? Men! Men love their lovers more in relation to others in their life. Several researchers at Yale University polled male and female participants from age 18 to 70 and asked, “Who do you like, and who do you love, most in your life?” The choices were lover (or spouse), best friend, parents, and siblings. Men, it turned out, loved and liked their lovers more than their best friends, whereas, with women, the rankings were about equal. Many women liked their best friends more than they liked their lovers!
Gentlemen, the next time your lover complains, “You men are so unromantic,” just show her these statistics and say, “Yeah, who says? Huh, huh, huh?” (On second thought, just say, “You know, dear, you have a good point. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be more romantic. I love you.”)"
Statistics... I would like to see the result for the quizz: "Who lies better in quizzes?"
2009 contest - Best illusion of the year - Male Female illusion
In the Illusion of Sex, two faces are perceived as male and female. However, both faces are actually versions of the same androgynous face. One face was created by increasing the contrast of the androgynous face, while the other face was created by decreasing the contrast. The face with more contrast is perceived as female, while the face with less contrast is perceived as male. The Illusion of Sex demonstrates that contrast is an important cue for perceiving the sex of a face, with greater contrast appearing feminine, and lesser contrast appearing masculine.
This is the third finalist. Click here to see the others.
Monday, June 15
The talking frog: a contemporary fairy tale

Sunday, June 14
Moebius strip at Buenos Aires

An interactive installation for the Libery Science Center (NJ) designed to show breaking news about science to visitors in the museum. a continuous moebius strip of LEDs & projection screens allows visitors to view streaming information from all sides of the atrium. plexi ribs supporting the LED’s & translucent plexi projection surfaces span between the edge rails. visitors can dynamically select topics or upload information from various points along the mezanine handrails.
Saturday, June 13
Joseph Kosuth - One and Three Chairs

Friday, June 12
Wednesday, June 10
Tinguely and Saint Phalle - La Fontane sculptures in Paris

Ragnar Kjartansson - "The End" at La Biennale di Venezia
Monday, June 8
Escher Moebius strip and Camus's myth of Sisyphus
Here is a variant of the Moebius Strip formed out of Escher's ants walking forever and covering both sides of the ring. Click on this small movie on the right to see the real large version.
At this site "Escher for Real" there are works of Escher that are not illusions and they did a great work showing the real side of Escher's work.
I only pity these ants that will walk forever without going anywhere but I did a post about Camus Myth of Sisyphus so "One must imagine the ants happy".
Imaginary signs for workplaces

Sunday, June 7
The Wonderful Favorite Award

Ghosts and Lightning author Trevor Byrne interview at Second Life
"Three free signed and personally inscribed copies of Trevor Byrne's novel 'Ghost's and Lightning' will be won by audience members at the next Meet an Author show and sent out internationally. Trevor is one of the most exciting new voices in Irish fiction. Acclaimed by Roddy Doyle as 'a very powerful writer', Trevor will be reading from his book 'Ghosts and Lightning', being interviewed and taking questions from the audience. This event will be filmed at the Written Word's Red Sky Club at 2pm SLT on Saturday 6th June. Stay around to chat to Trevor after the show.
Ghosts and Lightning is a fantastic tour de force written in Irish dialect and following the escapades of Denny as he returns to his home after the death of his mother. It's a fantastic romp following Denny and his friends, but there are deeper levels tracing Ireland's glorious past and comparing it to present day degeneration. Love and humour win the day. I loved it!"
I will have the opportunity to read it since they will send me a copy. Here you can find an interview with Trevor where he says:
"Joyce was born there and wrote the most beautiful ending to a short story ever, in the final passage of 'The Dead' . . . it's a deadly place, but it's complex, too. With the money dragged in by the Celtic Tiger, we became a little jealous, we were (to imx our metaphors) the dragon sitting on its hoard, biting and flame-belching at anyone who strayed too near. That bothers me. For a long time, we Irish prided ourselves as the world's friendliest nation, but it hadn't truly been put to the test. I feel we let ourselves down a little when the influx of foreigners began. And the politicians, and the church - urg, don't get me started."
I arrived early and met him, I mean his avatar and mine, and he said that "The Dead", the last piece of Joyce's "Dubliners", is one of his favorites.
I fear meeting authors that I already know the work because we always picture a person that has nothing to do with the reality. When will we remember that what we are reading is fictional? But this time I met the author and will read the work after.
I still didn't read any critics about his work but Jilly said that some of them got a little annoyed by some bad words and one of them has even counted the number of "f" words on a page or even if Irish people courses too much was discussed. This is very strange but Trevor said that they don't. lol
I'm amazed by the some projects at Second Life in Literature and Arts. It's also great to be able to be in touch with bright people from other countries.
Trevor said he is going to Tanzania. Wow!
The interview can be seen here at Treet.TV.
Saturday, June 6
Victor Vasarely - Op Art

Thursday, June 4
Finally Brunette!
Art Hurts - Ichibot Nishi experience

Tuesday, June 2
Roy Linchestein, Drowning girl - nobody should suffer alone