I just discovered that numerous posts of the blog changed the format it took me some time and work to do.
The paragraphs are missing and it became a little strange.
I'm having problems with both editors: the new one dos things that the old one doe not.
I use both but lately I'm having problem to access the old editor and even the Settings.
Not a great day in blogging.
I'll do other stuffs and later I'll take a look if the first page of the blog is still the same, or it has changed or disintegrated.
Update: January, 23, 2012
Due to these problems I had to change to the new version of the new Blogger interface and I'm using it's Editor.
I have problems arranging the images and I don't understand why by default the uploaded pictures go to the center.
I'll get used to it little by little but I still will have to search for the posts who were changed ant do it again.
Since it will take a lot of time I'm not sure if I'll do it.