Tuesday, July 23

URGENT: Bolsonaro puts the Army on the inauguration of Brazilian Glauber Rocha airport

Everything was planed for the inauguration of  the airport Glauber Rocha in the city Vitória da Conquista in the state of Bahia.
Glauber Rocha's daughter, the governor and the people were supposed to start the 
flights from and to the airport.
But someone appeared to spoil the party: Mr. Brazilian president decided to go to the event.
Glauber Rocha's daughter gave up and the governor is also not going.

It all started with displays of racism against the people of the Northeast of Brazil. This is the area less evolved of the country because of the droughts that made people migrate to the south of the country in search for working opportunities.

The right wing and some middle class people from the south has always discriminated those who are from Northeast.
Last week Bolsonaro have attacked those who are from Northeast and claimed that the governor of the state of Maranhão, who is very popular and loved by the people, was the worse governor.

With dignity Flávio Dino did reply but Bolsonaro is still atacking the Northeast.

Today is the time of Bahia governor. Bolsonaro is inaugurating the airport alone with people that is accompanying him and the army to protect him and have even called snipers.
It is a complete absurd.
The people from the city wants to enter the airport that was surrounded to prevent local people of Vitória da Conquista, Glauber Rocha's birth city, to be part of their inauguration.

This is Glauber Rocha a Brazilian filmmaker that depicted the Northeast of the country in his movies, was born in Vitória da Conquista and is the man who is honored.

Glauber Rocha died in 1981. His funeral was extremely moving.

I'm protesting all this absurd publishing Glauber Rocha's funeral and Darcy Ribeiro's words when he was over Glauber coffin:

"Uma vez, e eu não vou esquecer nunca, Glauber passou uma manhã abraçado comigo e chorando. / Once, I'll never forget, Glauber spend the morning hugging me and crying.

Chorando, chorando convulsivamente.
Crying, crying convulsively.

Eu custei a entender – ninguém entedia – que Glauber chorava a dor que nós devíamos chorar. A dor de todos os brasileiros.
I took me time to understand - nobody understood - that Glauber cried the pain that we had to cry. The pain of all Brazilians.

O Glauber chorava as crianças com fome.
Glauber cried over the hungry children.

O Glauber chorava esse país que não deu certo.
Glauber cried this country that didn't went right

O Glauber chorava a brutalidade.
Glauber cried the brutality.

O Glauber chorava a estupidez.
Glauber cried the stupidity.

A mediocridade.
The mediocrity.

A tortura.
The torture

Ele não suportava. Chorava, chorava, chorava.
He couldn't stand it. Cried, cried, cried

Os filmes do Glauber são isso. É um lamento, é um grito, é um berro.
Glauber's movies are all of this. It's a lament, it's a cry, it's a yell.

Essa é a herança que fica de Glauber.
This is Glauber's heritage.

Fica de Glauber pra nós a herança de sua indignação.
Glauber leave us the heritage of his indignation.

Ele foi o mais indignado de nós. Indignado com o mundo tal qual é.
He was the most indignant of all of us, indignant with the world the way it is.

Like this"

(Darcy Ribeiro)