Sunday, October 31

"What I'm worried about are governments that exploit this crisis in order to curb civic freedoms" Christine Anderson


"... the basic fundamental rights... and the European citizens are under threaten right now." C. Tehres
"... we have to do more to fight for his right of freedom." "I'm not fearful of Covid at all. What I'm worried about are governments that exploit this crisis in order to curb civic freedoms." (Emphasis mine)  Christine. Anderson Member of the European Parliament

Rumble — European Union Members of Parliament are coming out strongly against the Human Rights abuses that have come about as a result of the NWO's "Green-Pass" vaccine mandates. They are saying that governments across Europe (and the world) are violating the fundamental freedoms of its citizens, which are enshrined in law.

The MPs are making it clear that the "Covid-Agenda" has nothing to do with science, nor public health, but rather is intended to bring about a Totalitarian system that eliminates even the most basic of human rights in order to enslave the population. (Emphasis mine)

Did anyone anticipate that members of the European Union would be coming out against the New World Order?
