Tuesday, November 2

Breakdancing, also called breaking or b-boying/b-girling


For more animated gif of break dancing this is the site and learn a little about it's history:
"Breakdancing, also called breaking or b-boying/b-girling, is an athletic style of street dance from the United States. While diverse in the amount of variations available in the dance, breakdancing mainly consists of four kinds of movement: toprock, downrock, bottom Rockers thus, floor Rock power moves and freezes. Breakdancing is typically set to songs containing an old tribal drum breaks, as we know in social science. Which had evolved into a new genre called hip-hop, by 1982, with funk and soul music influence from the 1960's and the breakbeat part of the records. Such as James Brown Sex Machine (album) and Michael Viner project done in the 1972 Incredible Bongo Band. Displays this type of drum percussion break beat music, although modern trends. Allow for much wider varieties of music with the introduction to rappers and EMCEE's along certain ranges of tempo and drum beat patterns. Although the term "breakdance" is frequently used to refer to the dance in popular culture and in the mainstream entertainment industry, "b-boying" and "breaking" were the original terms and are preferred by the majority of the pioneers and most notable practitioners."