Sunday, October 15

It rules the world and makes 100% of humanity slaves

The oligarchs can't get enough and wont lose a single cent. They kill, destroy countries, promote genocides everywhere. All these crimes committed because of this abstraction: money that is made out of thin air and has not connection with a real value in itself neither with gold or even the oil.

The world is falling apart. Still they keep going enslaving those who are not their relatives without noticing that they themselves are slaves of this nothingness.

Two sides of the same coin. The world is becoming less and less human in numerous scales. Eugenics, transhumanism, robots, in short, simulacrum. Microchips implants.
They praise everything that is far from human beings as known.
Maybe it is too late for a new humanism. 

The irony is that they see themselves as models, more humans than the whole humanity.
They have a long life even if it takes implanting five hearts taken from the humans they despise, the degenerated. 
Don't look at them for they transform everything in stone.