Monday, July 1

Are Bolsonaro and Moro thinking about a Brazilian police state?

I feel like Brazil is on the tigthrope. Even thou all the proves that the process that put Lula in jail is being
leaked by "The Intercept" the Supreme Court does nothing.
Even through Twitter, Bolsonaro and Moro are putting pressure on the Court.
Since the 2016 parliamentary coup that ousted president Dilma Rousseff the judiciary is part of the consortium.
The Supreme Court included.
It's shameful. What is being done to my country is sad, unjust... The adjectives are powerless.
On the horizon some start fearing a police state.
Bolsonaro has already said that he considers closing the Congress and the Supreme Court.
Well, I cannot help "thanking" USA for the situation we are facing.
Ex judge Sergio Moro was trained... Guess where?
Bolsonaro when with Trump is a poodle showing a repugnant fidelity that must make Trump laugh.

This post was done in the mobile. My back is aching for the desktop 
Have a great week!