I didn't notice that on 13 March it was the third year of this blog but today the 300th follower appeared.
I didn't ask anybody to follow and I didn't do any of the strategies to conquer followers because I take it as a way to see how people are responding to what I'm doing.
I'm never happy with what I'm doing. It was easier at the beginning and maybe the posts I like the most are from the first year. I'm always insecure and think that I should change something but I don't know what to do.
This 300 people that came here and decided to join gave me an idea that I'm doing something good.
I want to thank you and if you decide to unfollow it is not a problem because I know that at least for a period of time you found something worthy at this blog.
Three years of Hella Heaven and it seems to me that I didn't even started, or, the opposite, I'll not be able to do any other post, or, the ever lasting question: "Why keep blogging?" haunts again.
It is very hard to measure what we are doing in our blogs.